
LocLab in 6 minutes

Darmstadt, Germany, april 24, 2024

The following video gives a brief overview of LocLab Consulting, our offer for digital twins and in particular the new LocLab Cloud. Find out more about how you can manage your digital twins in the cloud and which new cloud applications we offer you for integration and use. Briefly and aptly presented by our new virtual colleague.


LocLab makes digital twins more accessible with the launch of LocLab Cloud, powered by HxDR

Darmstadt, Germany, Oct. 9, 2023

LocLab, part of Hexagon, today announced the launch of LocLab Cloud, powered by HxDR. The cloud-based platform offers a secure end-to-end solution for 3D digital twins, allowing management and monitoring of models. It acts as an open platform, enabling partners to upload, update, access and share their own digital 3D content. Generic interfaces facilitate integration with existing systems, such as ERP, FM and IoT. Press Release


Great news: LocLab is part of the Geosystems Division of Hexagon AB!

Januar 2023

The acquisition takes the strategic partnership with Hexagon announced a few weeks ago to the next level. In addition to the accelerated expansion of our production capacities, our major innovation project, the Digital Twin Hub, will particularly benefit from the integration with Hexagon's technology. With the Digital Twin Hub, we will be able to offer our customers and partners a secure platform for the management and use of their digital twins in just a few weeks - a request that has been increasingly made to us by our customers in recent months. HxDR, Hexagon's cloud-based visualisation and collaboration platform, provides the ideal environment for the Digital Twin Hub. Press Release


Loclab wins SME award in the „Young Pionieers“ category

October 2022

The LocLab team is very happy about the award in the category “Young Pioneers” at the media awards! Many thanks to the organizers of the SME award and to the supporters of our presentation. It shows us that we are on the right track with our ideas and products to drive digitalization with the help of 3D Digital Twins. Mittelstandspreis der Medien.


Hexagon and LocLab announce strategic partnership to accelerate the adoption of Smart Digital Realities in transportation, construction and urban planning.

October 2022

Hexagon's Geosystems division and LocLab, a leader in 3D digital twin content creation, announced today a strategic partnership to jointly empower industries with Smart Digital Realities in their design, construction and operations processes. Hexagon News.


The birth of the Digital Railway Solutions Alliance (DRS)

May 2022

We are proud to be part of a newly formed alliance to drive digital end-to-end #rail #infrastructure solutions that launched at #IAF2022 in Münster. 15 leading European #railway track technology pioneers announced the formation of the Digital Railway Solutions Alliance, an open innovation ecosystem to increase the #safety, #efficiency and #capacity of the world’s railway networks. The #DRSAlliance brings together best-in-class, technology driven companies, each with a determined focus on optimising railway networks utilising the latest advances in digital innovation, automatisation and data processing. We aim to bundle expert knowledge and the latest technologies in order to tailor optimal solutions and create overarching synergies for railway infrastructure providers and rail operators. Digital Railway Solutions.


Digital Twins in Israel

March 2022

In March, the PhD School on Advanced BIM Applications and Digital Twin Technology of the CBIM European Training Network took place at the Technion University in Haifa, Israel. Almost all of the 14 PhD students in the EU-funded program were able to come to Israel and meet face-to-face for the first time since the program started in 2020. There were a number of excellent lectures and talks and additionally a great organized social program.
More about the CBIM program and LocLabs involvement can be found here: CBIM is a European Training Network in the area of Cloud-based Building Information Modelling. CBIM brings together five leading universities, two software companies and a research institute from six countries, to provide PhD training through state-of-the-art research. CBIM – European Training Network.


VDC for Infrastructure - Opportunities for Infrastructure Construction in Switzerland

February 2022

Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) describes the digital design, construction and operation of structures by means of digital building models in combination with suitable organizational forms and processes. What exactly does this mean for infrastructure construction in Switzerland? What can Switzerland learn from other countries that already use VDC for the construction of new roads, tunnels and high-speed railroads? Ilka May presented the application areas and possibilities of LocLab's 3D Digital Twins there. Swissbau.

European research network CBIM launched

July 2020

CBIM is a European Training Network in the area of Cloud-based Building Information Modelling. CBIM brings together five leading universities, two software companies and a research institute from six countries, to provide PhD training through state-of-the-art research. We are proud to be a member of this EU-funded network. more...

Impressive virtual tunnel journey

Mai 26, 2020

The news portal baden online reports on the virtual trip through the planned Offenburg tunnel. The animated film, which was generated from a Digital Twin by LocLab, shows a virtual trip through the planned Offenburg freight train tunnel. The spectacular impressions of the billion-euro project serve as a basis for public consultation. Article and videos are available on baden online.

„Stop only discussing efficiency!“

March 6, 2020

Five years ago, Transport Minister Dobrindt announced the road map for "Digital design and construction". Dr. Ilka May was one of the key authors. We talked to her about her review after five years of the road map and the prospects for BIM in Germany. The complete interview with Dr. Ilka May on Build-Ing

„Creating value with BIM instead of generating costs“

February 17, 2020

Instead of constantly discussing the costs of BIM, the main focus should be on highlighting the values of the method. And to discuss how we achieve them. Dr. Ilka May's plea for BIM at the trade fair for digital solutions in the construction industry 'Digital Construction' in February 2020 in Cologne met with broad approval. Find the whole lecture here

Winner of the Digital Metals AI Hackathon

January 20th 2020

On January 17, 2020, the LocLab team left Vienna as winners of the Digital Metals AI Hackathon.. The team convinced the jury in the twin digitization application case and with more than a dozen teams in the competition. The Digital AI Hackathon was created by Primetals Technologies. and voestalpine. to create the best ideas and solutions in a rapid prototyping format. Startups and innovators must develop new and innovative solutions around four use cases in just 48 hours.

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INAIL Conference

December 3, 2019

Dr. Ilka May spoke at the XXII CONFERENCE CTE about the EU BIM Task Group, proprietary guidelines, information specifications and information flow management. Download as

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Data structures and processes

December 3-4, 2019

Dr. Ilka May spoke about new data structures and digital processes at the Zukunft Bau Kongress on 4 December in Bonn. Topics were open and closed data structures, data exchange, data usage and integration. If you want to work with BIM, you cannot ignore these key points. Download as

Bring BIM forward! But how?

November 28, 2019

What has to happen in Germany to push BIM methods? We need a long-term, transparent and well communicated strategy that does not serve individual interests but aims to strengthen the entire German construction industry. Clear statements by Dr. Ilka May at the Oskar von Miller Forum in Darmstadt. Download as

Year-end rally in the name of the Digital Twins

November/December 2019

Inform yourself live: Those who want to understand digital twins, their emergence and their possible uses, get the opportunity to do so. On 27.11. at the BIM World 2019 in Munich, 28.11.2019 at the Oskar von Miller Forum in Munich and on 7.12.2019 at the Zukunft Bau Congress in Bonn. Download as


Amazing - photos become intelligent 3D models

Bologna, 21 - 22 November

At Digital & BIM Italia, Dr. Ilka May spoke about the origins and applications of digital twins. The reaction of the audience: Unbelieving amazement. How can it be that photorealistic, semantic models are created with such simple means? Read for yourself. Download as

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Digital Twins will create new business models

Shanghai, November 5-8

Digital twins will provide comprehensive information models in real time in the future. The necessary processes will be largely automated and optimized by means of artificial intelligence. These "digital twins" will have their own value alongside the building itself an will create new business models, explaind Dr. Ilka May at the Bau China in November 2019 in Shanghai. Download as

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5. National Slovakian BIM Conference

Bratislava, October 2019

Keynotespeaker Dr. Ilka May talked in October 2019 at the 5. National Slovakian BIM Conference in Bratislava how to use BIM in the building and construction sector. Her credo: With gamification comes the fun! Download as

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6. Smart Airports Europe Conference

Munich, 7-9 October 2019

Introduced as best, brightest and most influential mind, LocLab CTO Kim Jung talked at the Conference „Smart Airports“, Preparing for 2030 and beyond“ about Games Technology in asset construction and management. Download as

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Architects and BIM belong together.

German Architecture Day, 27 September 2019

And yet BIM is often too much to ask for instead of help. On September 27, 2019, Dr. Ilka May gave a short lecture at the German Architects' Day 2019, showing which questions BIM solves in construction. And she asked: What actually holds us back from starting with BIM? Download as

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How do BIM methods support facility management?

Workshop 19 September 2019

The SME 4.0 Competence Center Planning and Building organized a Workshop especially for small and medium-sized enterprises on September 19, 2019 to demonstrate exactly that. Dr. Ilka May explained the fields of application and advantages of BIM in FM. Download as

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BIM and Geodäsie

July 2, 2019

According to the coalition agreement, the NRW state government wants to play a pioneering role in BIM. The geodetic professional associations BDVI, DVW and VDV from NRW have therefore placed the 2nd GEODÄSIE-KONGRESS NRW under the motto "Geodesy and BIM". Dr. Ilka May took a close look at the status of BIM in Germany on 2 July 2019. She almost says: "BIM has potential"! Download as

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Quiz time!

April 2019

How long did it take to record the data for this model and how much did it cost? Bet you're roughly off the mark. The solution: Three hours and 100 Euros! Dr. Ilka May also amazed her audience at the symposium „Digitalization in Existing Contexts“ aon April 10, 2019 in the Benediktbeuren monastery. Download as

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What does game technology have to do with the construction industry?

Digital Construction Summit, March 2019

On closer inspection, Dr. Ilka May made a lot of things clear at the "Digital Construction Summit" in Berlin in March 2019. Digital twins are generated at low cost and with low data volume. The result is object-based models with all their advantages of data integration and comprehensibility. Download as

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Using Building Information Modeling (BIM) to digitize construction, Part 1: The tools of BIM

Projekt Magazin, Issue 20/2018

With four tried and tested tools and a holistic approach, Dr. Ilka May and Prof. Christina Maaß oppose a purely technical understanding of Building Information Modeling (BIM). "We are now doing BIM" must not only mean the use of elaborate design software, but must also include different tendering processes and team leadership. more in german language...

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Digital Twin technology: from game design to engineering

Interview recording, published October 5, 2018

Dr. Ilka May speaks at the press conference of BIM Italy about the technology of 3D modelling of railway stations, rail networks and bridges and the possibilities offered by a digital twin. more...

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La tecnologia del Digital Twin: dal "game design" all'ingegneria

Registrazione delle interviste, pubblicato il 5 ottobre 2018

Ilka May parla alla conferenza stampa del BIM Italy della tecnologia di modellazione 3D di stazioni ferroviarie, reti ferroviarie e ponti e delle possibilità offerte da un gemello digitale. più in inglese...

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BIM Italy presents the digitization of the central station of Milan with Digital Twin

Interview recording, published October 5, 2018

The representatives of the four BIM Italy founding companies Cresme, Harpaceas, in2it and LocLab Consulting talk about the future of 3D modelling and the digital twin of Milan Central Station. more in italian language...

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BIM Italy presenta la digitalizzazione della Stazione centrale di Milano con Digital Twin

Registrazione delle interviste, pubblicato il 5 ottobre 2018

I rappresentanti delle quattro aziende fondatrici di BIM Italy, Cresme, Harpaceas, in2it e LocLab Consulting parlano del futuro della modellazione 3D e del gemello digitale della Stazione Centrale di Milano. di più...

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BIM Italy – Digitizing the future

Homepage BIM Italy, 2018

BIM Italy presents itself on the internet: We accompany the world of design, construction, real estate, facility management and public services on their way to new production and management services. more in italian language...

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BIM Italy – Digitizing the future

Homepage BIM Italy, 2018

BIM Italia si presenta su internet: Accompagniamo il mondo della progettazione, delle costruzioni, degli immobili, del facility management e dei servizi pubblici nel loro cammino verso nuovi servizi di produzione e gestione. di più...

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A glimpse into the future

Press release by BIM Italy, October 4, 2018

BIM Italy, the cooperation between Cresme, Harpaceas, in2it and German LocLab Consulting, today presented in Milan a product that can be defined as a turning point in the design, maintenance and management of buildings. more in german language...

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Vieni a vedere il futuro

Comunicato stampa BIM Italy, 4 Ottobre 2018

BIM Italy, frutto della collaborazione tra Cresme, Harpaceas, in2it e la tedesca LocLab Consulting, ha oggi presentato a Milano un prodotto che si può definire “spartiacque” nel campo della progettazione, della manutenzione e della gestione di immobili e/o opere civili. di più...

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Digitalisierung am Bau: Viele Missverständnisse um BIM

B_I baumagazin, 21. Juni 2018

Voraussetzung für ein erfolgreiches Bauprojekt ist das reibungslose Zusammenspiel aller Akteure. Immer deutlicher wird: Ohne Digitalisierung des Bauens – vor allem ohne BIM Building Information Modelling – wird es nicht gehen. mehr...

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BIM Community

Interview recording, published May 03, 2018

Dr. Ilka May explains how the games technology can help projects, especially in infrastructure asset design management. more...

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BIM in Deutschland

BIM CONNECT, Interview-Mitschnitt, Veröffentlichung im April 2018

Interview mit Dr. Ilka May zum aktuellen Stand von BIM in Deutschland, zu bisherigen Auswirkungen von BIM und Aussichten für die Zukunft. mehr...

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DGfdB-Strategieworkshop BIM

Archiv des Badewesens, April 2018

Bäderexperten trafen sich am 2. Februar in Frankfurt am Main, um die Chancen von BIM beim Bäderbau auszuloten. In diesem Rahmen stellte Kim Jung von der LocLab Consulting GmbH den Teilnehmern die photogrammetrische Bestandsaufnahme und dreidimensionale Modellierung vor. mehr...

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BIM European Summit in Barcelona 2018

Video recording of lectures, published March 22, 2018

Infrastructure – BIM4INFRASTRUCTURES. Dr. Ilka May, Teodoro Álvarez and Augusto Burchi about values for planning, constructing and managing projects. mehr...

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EU BIM Handbuch in deutscher Übersetzung erhältlich

EU BIM Handbuch, Februar 2018

In 2017 hat die EU BIM Task Group, ein Zusammenschluss von öffentlichen Auftraggebern aus 21 EU Mitgliedsstaaten, ein "Handbuch für die Einführung von Building Information Modelling (BIM) durch den europäischen öffentlichen Sektor" veröffentlicht. Dieses Handbuch ist nun auch in der deutschen Übersetzung erhältlich. Download als
further Language Versions and more Informationen here:…

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The Ultimate BIM Summit

Construction Summits, 26 January 2018

Timetable, seminar information and booking options for The Ultimate BIM Summit on January 31st 2018 in Watford with the participation of LocLab Consulting CEO Ilka May. more…

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BIM adoption reaches a high point, but…

BUILDING4CHANGE, 30 November 2017

While Building Information Modelling (BIM) is becoming the norm in building projects, most construction professionals believe that BIM adoption still requires changes in workflow, practices and procedures. At the Ultimate BIM Summit in January, experts will be tackling these and other key BIM issues. more…

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Opinion Leader Talk zu BIM und Digitales Planen und Bauen

INTERGEO TV, Interview-Mitschnitt, Veröffentlichung 23. November 2017

Die LocLab Consulting GmbH aus Darmstadt liefert interaktive 3D-Modelle für Infrastruktur und Hochbau und setzt dabei auf hohe Performance durch Technologien aus der Spieleindustrie. Dr. Ilka May, CEO der LocLab Consulting GmbH, im Interview zu BIM. mehr…

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Schweizer BIM Kongress 2017

Bauen digital Schweiz, Interview-Mitschnitt, Veröffentlichung 30.Oktober 2017

Bauwirtschaft im Wandel - Chancen und Herausforderungen aus internationaler Sicht. Ein Interview mit Dr. Ilka May, Co-Chair der EU BIM Task Group, einem Zusammenschluss von öffentlichen Auftraggebern aus 21 europäischen Ländern. mehr…

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Schweizer BIM Kongress 2017

Bauen digital Schweiz und buildingSMART Switzerland, 03.Oktober 2017

Die digitale Transformation verändert die Schweizer Bauwirtschaft. Wo stehen wir und wie geht die Reise weiter? Der Schweizer BIM Kongress 2017 setzt neue Impulse. mehr…

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INTERGEO 2017: „Wir führen Welten zusammen“

Presseinformation der DVW –
Gesellschaft für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement e.V., 28. September 2017

Die INTERGEO 2017 ist in Berlin mit großem Erfolg zu Ende gegangen. Fachmesse und Kongress wurden getragen von der alles durchdringenden Welle der Digitalisierung. mehr…

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INTERGEO 2017 – “We are bringing worlds together”

Press Release of DVW – the German Society for Geodesy, Geoinformation and Land Management, 28 September 2017

After three incredibly successful days in Berlin, INTERGEO 2017 has drawn to a close. The trade fair and conference have been carried on the crest of the unstoppable wave that is digitalisation. more…

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LocLab Consulting : Interaktive 3D-Modelle für Infrastruktur und Hochbau

Business Geomatics, 21. September 2017

Am 26. September 2017 stellen die beiden Gründer Dr. Ilka May und Kim Jung von 12.00 bis 12.30 Uhr die "Methoden der Computerspiele-Industrie zur Erstellung von 3D BIM Bestandsmodellen" auf dem Kongress der INTERGEO vor. mehr…

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GIS, 3D CAD, BIM – ein und dasselbe?

LocLab-Präsentation zum BDVI Kongress: Die Dritte Dimension, 9. Juni 2017

Wie lässt sich ein einheitliches Verständnis von GIS, 3D CAD und BIM etablieren? Was ändert sich durch BIM (nicht nur) für die Bestandserfassung? Wie kommen die Welten von GIS und 3D CAD in BIM zusammen? mehr…

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BIM – Der Virtuelle Baumeister / BIM - De virtuele bouwer

Smart Regions North, April 2017

Im Rahmen des Projektes „Shaping the Future of Smart Regions North“ finden in den Projektpartnerstädten Oldenburg, Groningen, Bremen, der Metropolregion und der Ems-Achse Workshops zu unterschiedlichen smarten Themenschwerpunkten statt, die für eine nachhaltige und intelligente Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung von Bedeutung sind. mehr…

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Working toward a unified approach to BIM in Europe

NBS National BIM Report, 11 March 2017

We explore the progress made by the EU BIM Task Group and an update on how European Nations are approaching the challenges of the move towards collaborative digital construction. more…

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BIM – Digitalisierung des Bauprozesses in Deutschland

Loc-Lab-Präsentation zum Architekten-Tag: Die Zukunft des Bauens, 9. März 2017

Das Thema BIM hat in den letzten zwei Jahren in Deutschland stark an Fahrt aufgenommen. Dabei gibt es nach wie vor kein einheitliches Verständnis, was BIM eigentlich ist. mehr…

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Launch ins INTERGEO-Jahr 2017: Mit diesen Themen hebt die Geo-IT-Branche ab

Presseinformation der DVW – Gesellschaft für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement e.V., März 2017

Die INTERGEO, internationale Leitmesse für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement setzt auch in 2017 mit ihren Top-Themen ganz auf wegweisende Entwicklungen und Projekte einer sich dynamisch entwickelnden Geo-IT-Branche. mehr…

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Jetzt mal ehrlich – was bringt uns BIM?

Bauingenieur, Januar 2017

Mit Building Information Modeling (BIM) ist die Digitalisierung in der Wertschöpfungskette Planen, Bauen und Betreiben auch in Deutschland angekommen – vermutlich schneller und mit weitreichenderen Auswirkungen als von vielen noch vor wenigen Monaten vorhergesehen. mehr…

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Crossrail: A Case Study in BIM

ETH Zürich, 01 December 2016

Crossrail, currently Europe’s biggest civil engineering project, is being built under central London to link existing Network Rail lines to the east and west of the capital. When it opens in 2018 it will provide rail services from Maidenhead and Heathrow in the west to Shenfield and Abbey Wood in the east. more…

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European public sector aims for world class construction sector

EU BIM Task Group, November 2016

A PowerPoint presentation of the EU BIM Task Group bringing together national efforts into a common and aligned European approach to develop a world-class digital construction sector. more…

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Implementing Digital Excellence - A four part Article. ICE BIM 2016 – Part 1

The BIM Hub, 24 October 2016

Another superb event from the ICE that saw an abundance of experts and dedicated specialists get to grips with the digital advancements that are being made in infrastructure today. more…

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Germany moves forward on its BIM journey

Ice (Institution of Civil Engineers), 21 July 2016

With ICE BIM 2016 on the horizon, Ilka May of Arup reviews progress of BIM implementation in Germany – aka the “fourth industrial revolution“. mehr…

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„So kann es nicht weitergehen“

Springer Professional, 11. September 2015

Im Februar 2015 gründeten führende Verbände und Institutionen aus der Wertschöpfungskette Bau die „planen-bauen 4.0 - Gesellschaft zur Digitalisierung des Planens, Bauens und Betreibens mbH“. Springer für Professionals sprach mit den beiden Geschäftsführern, Dr. Ilka May und Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Bramann, über aktuelle Aktivitäten und Ziele der Gesellschaft. mehr…

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BIM-Normung mitgestalten

DETAIL – das Architektur- und Bauportal, 15. Juli 2015

Der BIM Anwendertag ist der Klassiker unter den Veranstaltungen des buildingSMART e.V. und ein Muss für jeden, der sich für Building Information Modeling interessiert. mehr…

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Building BIM on a national Platform

Interview with Ilka May by CIOB (Chartered Institute of Building), 14 March 2015

Ilka May, newly appointed co-chairman of Germany’s BIM Task Group, Planen-Bauen 4.0, on the path to BIM adoption in Germany. What exactly is Planen-Bauen 4.0? more…

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Award success for GIS implementation on Crossrail

Atkins, December 2010

The Arup/Atkins JV’S GIS and data team, led by Ilka May, Richard Budden and Andy Kervell, recently won the award for Innovation and Best Practice (Private Sector) from the Association for Geographic Information (AGI). They worked on the Crossrail C122 Bored Tunnels design contract, and won the award for their work in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and information management on the project. more…

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